首页 >休闲益智>Escape Castle Frankenstein mod download
Escape Castle Frankenstein mod  download
  • Escape Castle Frankenstein mod download

  • 类型:休闲益智 大小:42 MB
  • 语言:简体中文 时间:2024-06-21
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Escape Castle Frankenstein mod apk You wake up in an ancient laboratory surrounded by cold stone walls and dim lights. As Frankenstein's monster, you possess superhuman strength and speed, but you also carry the burden of escaping your destiny. Traps, spikes, lava, these elements are not just obstacles, they are tools that game designers use to test your reflexes and strategies. And those creatures lurking in the shadows, their existence makes every advance full of uncertainty.

Escape Castle Frankenstein mod游戏截图

Escape Castle Frankenstein mod游戏特色:

1、 intricate maze design, every corner may hide deadly traps and challenges.

2、 play Frankenstein's monster, shuttling through the Doctor's castle, every step is full of unknown and danger.

3、 the tense and stimulating platform jumps, each jump may be the edge of life and death.

Escape Castle Frankenstein mod游戏亮点:

1、 you need to fight against mysterious creatures and evil creatures lurking in the shadows, they are a powerful opponent on your way to escape.

2、 30 levels, each with its own unique design and challenges, testing the player's intelligence and reaction.

3、 in the expedition to uncover the mystery about themselves and the castle, discover hidden story clues.

Escape Castle Frankenstein mod游戏点评:

in the arcade mode, collect coins, compete with other players, enjoy the fun of collecting and competing.





